
[TRANS] 130324 - B.A.P's Melon Fansigning

[TRANS] 130324 - B.A.P's Melon Fansigning
  • A fan asked Jongup what Pokemon she looks like and he said Squirtle.
  • A fan asked Daehyun to choose only one of the four options (I want to hit you, I want to hold your hand, I want to show you aegyo, I want to pet you on the head), and he picked that he wanted to pet her on the head.
  • A fan asked Yongguk to choose up to 4 options if he wants to from (I want to punch you away, I want to hug you ♥, I want to show you aegyo, I want to throw you a hand kiss, and I want to pet you on the head) and he picked petting her, so she asked him to pet her on the head, but they told her to move onward.
  • A fan gave Himchan a ring and he put it on his ring finger right away.
  • A fan saw Himchan holding two drinks, so she asked why he was drinking everything, and he said it was so that he could gain weight. She told Zelo to drink too, and Himchan said that he gave one to Zelo, but he rejected it. Then Himchan said he doesn’t like Zelo.
  • A fan asked Himchan to sing some of ‘One Shot’, and he only sang the ‘one shot!’ part. She also asked him to sing some of ‘Rain Sound’, but he said he’ll think about it. Then the TV in the back played Himchan’s part, so he was lip-syncing and doing hand motions to it.
  • A fan forgot to give Zelo her letter, so she asked one of the fan staff members to pass it on to him, but the staff member told her that she can directly pass it to him.
  • A fan and her friend asked Jongup to do 꽃받침 (T/N: when you cup your face with your hands shaped like a V), and he was contemplating it before shyly doing it.
  • A fan told Himchan that her friend said if she brings boiled eggs to the fansigning, cracks it on B.A.P’s heads, and eats it, that they’ll remember it. Then Himchan said to crack raw eggs on that friend’s head.
  • A fan was given the opportunity to take a picture with B.A.P and she was originally standing next to Youngjae, but after seeing that she was a Himchan fan from her banner, Youngjae asked her if she likes Himchan and then changed spots so that she could stand next to him.
  • A fan asked where Himchan’s stamp went, and he said, “Why isn’t it here? But I’ll do anything else you want me to.” So she asked him to do gwiyomi player, but he said he’ll think about it. After she passed, he did it on Zelo’s head, and then when she called out for him, he smiled and did the 2+2 gwiyomi to her.
  • A fan asked Yongguk if he has a fansite that he visits often, and he said “Our official fancafe…”
  • A fan asked Youngjae on a post-it, “Oppa, what do you think of me today?” and he only wrote “You’re cute”, so she asked him to write more and he added, “Re~~~ally” to it.
  • Another fan asked Jongup what she looks like, so he wrote Squirtle.
  • A fan asked Jongup what the ‘ㅍ’ in his tweets means, and he said it’s for ‘풉’ which is a sound of laughter.
  • A fan asked if Himchan wasn’t able to write his signature, but he said that he’ll draw whatever he can with his left hand. After drawing a heart, he turned to his manager and said, “Ah ㅜㅜ I can’t do this ㅜㅜ” And then didn’t do it again afterwards. (T/N: picture of the heart)
  • As the final greeting, Himchan said that they were going to go eat, and Youngjae was handing out water bottles to the fans before leaving.
  • A fan gave Daehyun a walnut pie that she made, and he promised to eat it later. On the post-it note, she asked Daehyun what his first impression of her was and it said, “Walnut pie?”
  • A fan pulled out a mirror and faced it towards Himchan before asking, “This person is good-looking, right?” He then said yes and started fixing his hair.
  • Jongup was wearing a scarf that a fan gave to him.
  • A fan told Youngjae that he could sign on whichever page he wanted to, so he picked the one where he was laying down on railroad tracks, and said that one came out the best.
  • A fan asked Zelo why he doesn’t do the move where he bounces off his back, and he said it’s difficult to do during live stages.
  • A fan asked Youngjae to give her a suitable nickname, so he stared at her for a bit before writing “Bunny”.
  • A fan asked what Pokemon Jongup thinks of when he sees her, so he wrote Jigglypuff.
trans. cr ; akdongs @ tumblr | source cr; b.a.p’s fancafe ; take out with full credits

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