
130319 Yongguk's Instagram photos uploaded today is from the book "The Gashlycrumb Tinies" by Edward Gorey.

These four images that Yongguk recently posted to his instagram are illustrations by American writer and artist Edward Gorey, from his bookThe Gashlycrumb Tinies, published in 1963.

The Gashlycrumb Tinies is an abcedarian book (a book listing the 26 letters of the alphabet) of rather morbid humor. Each drawing is paired with a dactylic couplet (a type of poetic meter) that describes each child’s untimely demise. For example: “V is for Victor squashed under a train.”

It should be noted that none of the images are grotesque, and most of the manners in which the children die are quite mundane. The intent is to poke fun. Gorey himself described his work as part of the genre of literary nonsense, which is generally a type of work that draws humor from its nonsensical nature. Other famous writers of this genre include Shel Silverstein and Roald Dahl.

View all 26 illustrations along with their descriptions here.
Go here to learn more about Edward Gorey.

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