
[TRANS] 130319 Yongguk’s Cafe Post - Spring is Coming

Hello. This is Bang Yongguk.

It hasn’t been too long since the new year begun and now we’re already in the middle of March, April approaching us just before our eyes.

I can already smell Spring in the streets where there’s blue skies up in the afternoon till when the sun sets.

Our BABYs, I hope that you can have the leisure of feeling Spring approach at least once while you walk on the streets.

There’s something I wanted to say in a long time and this is why I am leaving a post to deliver this message.

The donations earned through our “Live on Earth, First Concert In Seoul” was an important memory that was left to B.A.P as we delivered it to One Love Disabled Infant Care. Honestly, I was shocked at the amount that was raised, but I think this remains as an important memory to me because of the kind and beautiful hearts were able to share our love without caring of the amount that was raised.

I saw all of the hearts of your beautiful love from not just the donation amount, but through the many wreaths and even worldwide as well.

I’m so proud of the BABYs who gathered such a big heart, so thank you.

I always feel and learn a lot of things when I see BABYs doing upright and kind actions.

From the day we first met till now.

I feel like we’re growing so maturely, kindly, and beautifully in giving one another kind inspirations which makes me feel a great form of gratitude and loving feeling. Our B.A.P and BABYs, I feel that we’re becoming a big and important figure to one another. With that said, if I can add one more thing, if you see a friend who’s an eye sore to you, instead of getting mad first, let’s becoming someone who can approach the person first in leading one another as we’re all one family. Let’s become awesome friends to one another, but also a role model noona, unnie, hyung, oppa, and proud dongseng. I will always work hard as well.

Already over 90,000 BABYs with B.A.P.

In overcoming the bridge in the relationship between a star and a fan, let’s become one family and create a beautiful world to many people and a world that dreams awesome dreams.

In improving within each step, let’s work harder and actually try in sharing the love.

I’m not sure if what I say is boring, formal, or not fun, but BABYs know more than anyone that I’m not fun so I wrote truthfully with a sincere heart. As Spring approaches, the temperature changes severely between day and night, and the bodies of BABYs are the bodies of B.A.P and B.A.P’s bodies are BABYs’ so be aware of the cold, don’t get sick, and continue to exert warm and passionate energy each and every day.

I’m still very insufficient, as B.A.P will continue to work hard in showing a good side to ourselves everyday.

Thank you.


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