
Part II : B.A.P's Happy Talk (Himchan's Story)

[STARCOLUMN] Part II : B.A.P's Happy Talk (Himchan's Story)
Among the boy groups who had a shining aura to them, a 6-member idol group made their debut with a ‘strong’ sense to them last January of 2012. The protagonist? None other than B.A.P. They made their appearance as charismatic messengers with their rough masculinity and created a grand performance through their debut song ‘Warrior,’ which had a strong and fast beat, capturing the hearts of female fans. Also for a rookie idol group, they held a successful debut showcase at the Seoul Jangchung Gymnasium and showed their potential. They recently passed their one year since debut as they held their first solo concert after 394 days since debut and showed a fast growth spurt than other idol groups. In this upcoming Naver Sat Column, part 1 will consist of an introduction of the members and photos that Youngjae took himself, part 2 will be from the perspective of Himchan who plays the role of the mom in the group, and part 3 will comprise of what the magnaes Jongup and Zelo want to say to their older hyungs. You can draw the humanistic side of the members that was hidden away from their strong image that they present on the stage, the efforts of wanting to be a step closer to the public being fruitful. 
Hello, I’m Himchan and I’m in charge of playing the role of the ‘mom’ in B.A.P, haha. We’ve finally come to the day in meeting fans through Naver Star Column! In continuation to Youngjae’s photo story, I will tell you my thoughts on seeing the members through a mom perspective in part 2. The reason why I’m doing this as opposed to Yongguk! It’s because you can see the members in a new perspective? ㅋㅋ Now is the beginning of not daddy Bang Yongguk’s story, but mommy Kim Himchan’s story~
Himchan: Hrm..first off, shall we start off with Yongguk’s story? I met Yongguk and Jongup for the very first time in 2010 for our profile photo shoot. On that day, Jongup never said a word but I did speak with Yongguk a little. Maybe it’s because we’re the same age that paved the way in being able to connect with each other; Yongguk normally is a person of no words but he did give responses to my talking and I found out later that on Yongguk’s end, he was actually giving more responses than usual. No wonder he’s chic…ah, also! We began practicing under the team B.A.P and the first thing I heard from Yongguk was, “I don’t want to be in the same team as you.” Do you remember, Bang Yongguk?
Yongguk: Did I really say that?
Himchan: (Ignores him) I think I was really shocked then. Since then, I practiced really ,really hard ㅠㅠ I guess it hit home more so because I lived in a dorm with Yongguk more than the other members. At the time, I was pretty immature and Yongguk was a hyung-like friend to me. He had proper values and he was his own man. Coming from someone who lived according to how they desired, he really helped me in terms of building my own upright values and I am so thankful to Yongguk to this day for it. To me, Yongguk is like my life teacher, partner, and someone of the same figure. 
But of course! He does have flaws. I grow disappointed at the fact that Yongguk can’t socialize with people well. Being able to socialize would benefit him but in every situation, he’s the one to listen and can’t really bring himself to approach someone first. I think it’ll be good for him to approach someone first and initiating the conversation. Adding onto that, I wish he could feel that living his life is a good feeling. But he’s gotten a lot brighter since the first day I met him as back then, he was truly just a gangster ㅡ_ㅡ;
Yongguk: I don’t have good socializing skills and I tend to be shy around strangers…you’re really good at socializing though. I acknowledge it.
Youngjae: If there’s one thing we had to pick on what we helped Yongguk hyung with, it’d be him becoming brighter. 
Daehyun: You can say that the members changed Yongguk hyung.ㅋㅋ
Himchan: Now, shall we talk about our Kyungsangdo man! Daehyun! Daehyun was the member who joined the latest so he wasn’t able to get along with the members well. He also didn’t really talk. When time passed by, we asked him, “Why don’t you get along with us?” Since then, he started changing. At first, he’d never talk to us and do what we told him to but because he’s a man of Kyungsangdo, he expressed himself freely. What I’m thankful for is that he really played the center role between the dongsengs and hyungs. I think he opened up a lot more than Youngjae did. We had lots of talks on the rooftop of our dorm.ㅋㅋㅋ
Daehyun: Hyung, someone might misunderstand judging by your words. We just went to the rooftop to have easy-going talks.^^
[T/N: Usually rooftops are stereotypical locations of where bullying happens]
Himchan: Because it was the rooftop, I was a little worried in case neighbors heard our dilemmas! That was the most memorable for me. Although I’m the hyung, he spoke to me like a friend which I’m really thankful for.
Daehyun: The problem is that sometimes I talked to him too much like a friend where I was scolded!
Himchan: At first, I would think, “Well, I’m the hyung” but later on, I grew to like my title better because he started to think of me as family and the thought of me being the “hyung” disappeared. Nowadays, I’m the one being scolded by Daehyun when it comes to work related issuesㅋㅋ
Daehyun: How can you wrap this whole situation so nicely…now I’ll unveil a secret from my perspective. When I first joined the company, I set Himchan hyung as my rival. I was alone in the practice room and at the tme, Himchan hyung and Yongguk hyung were filming for a program and entered the practice room with bright faces so I assumed they were good people. But Himchan hyung never spoke to me for the longest time. I was shocked at first, but it turns out that he set me as his rival as well, hahaha.
Himchan: Huh huh huh huh…I did set the members as my rivals! It was because everyone was skilled and I was insecure. Next up is our Youngjae! You can see Youngjae as detailed. He’s the smart type. He has really good memory and often times, it’s a little scary…he’s a friend who remembers all the little details.
Daehyun: From how I see it, I think Himchan hyung has better memory? He remembers everything from a year ago.
Himchan: Me? I’ll take it as a complimentㅋㅋ I don’t have to say much because everyone probably knows everything about Youngjae. He’s quick on things so you don’t have to warn him, but there’s something I’ve always wanted to say. Youngjae tends to bottle things in so when he gets mad, he doesn’t say it and cools it off. I wish in cases like that, he’d express his emotions which I think would be comforting for him.
Youngjae: Hrm…I think that’s true. I normally am the type to be unable to say upsetting things. I’ll slowly show a changing image to myself. If there’s anything that angers or upsets me, I can say it right away, right? Himchan hyung?
Himchan: ……What is this. I feel like I’m being cornered? Now~ We’ll move right onto Jongup~ Jongup is the member I’ve known as long as Yongguk and I remember buying him lots of snacks at the local convenience store. He’s an innocent and nice kid who does what he’s told to do.ㅋㅋ I used to think that as a hyung, I had to buy him food and other little things. 
Jongup: He would always say this one thing whenever he bought me stuff and that was, “Look at how much I invested in you.”
Youngjae: One month a go, there was a point where Himchan hyung’s personal credit card came out to be over 1,000,000 won (roughly $1,000 USD). It was to the point where the local convenience store owner was shocked. 
Daehyun: Himchan hyung likes eating so he’s always the one to ask us to go eat. In the end, he’s killing two birds with one stone since he’s happy and that he can brag to the dongsengs about it. 
Yongguk: I tend to buy them a lot as well but the difference between Himchan and I is that in Himchan’s case, he buys what he wants to eat while I just buy it for them. 
Himchan: There are times where I go to the local convenience store with the dongsengs because I want to eat something but if we lure Yongguk in, he ends up buying. Yongguk is won over when Jongup convinces himㅋㅋ 
Daehyun: There are times where I think Himchan hyung uses Jongup…
Himchan: Hrm…that’s not it…hrm hrm…honestly, Jongup was the youngest and because I’ve stuck around him for so long, I naturally tended to make him do errands. One time, Jongup asked me, “When are you going to make me do errands till?” That was when the youngest Zelo came in and although there was a younger member, I was used to Jongup and I still to this day make Jongup do errands out of habit. I want to take this time in apologizing to him^^; Jongup is really innocent and when I’m with him, I feel myself becoming clearer. He’s a kid who is really naive when he talks about what he likes. 
Jongup: But honestly, sometimes (Himchan) hyung appears younger than I do. He tends to show his excited and mischievous side a lot more than me. 
Himchan: I guess that’s why we get along so well ㅎㅎ I honestly think I’ll choose Jongup as the member I like the most out of the five members if asked the question. Whenever we’re all together, Jongup is the funniest. He’s a kid who’s like an energy source to us.
Jongup: So please reduce my errands to a minimum then!!
Himchan: Let’s wait a little on that decision, dongseng ㅋㅋ Now, the final one is none other than our magnae Junhong. Shall I talk a little about Zelo? When I first saw Junhong, it was through our company TS five-member idol group fan cafe. At the time, we were five members, not sixㅋ We heard that Junhong was coming to our company so we were looking around the fan cafe and saw a post he had written. Do you remember what that post said, Junhong?
Zelo: Hrm, I think it was when I re-wrote the lyrics to Jieun noona and Yongguk hyung’s “Going Crazy.” I also remember writing, “I really like the lyrics.” 
Yongguk: With one verse of your rap, you wrote, “Listen to it well.” ㅋㅋ At the time, he wasn’t confirmed as a member so he even wrote, “I hope to meet you one day.” In reading that, I thought, “He’s daring.”
Himchan: At the time, I thought, “Why is that kid posting here?” It was a shocking first impression.
Youngjae: Junhong was a kid who had a lot of passion for rapping. He even begged Yongguk hyung late at night to teach him rapping.
Himchan: Ah, right! On the first day Junhong joined our dorm, I joked around with him asking, “Are you the best fighter in your middle school?” He was even tall back then. Junhong replied, “I know how to fight though.” At his response, I truly felt how innocent and young he was. Also back then, he was chubby and I just really wanted to bite him.
Daehyun: After spending a long time with one another, there are more instances where he tends to fight back to the hyungs in not falling for their tricks.
Youngjae: At first, he told me, “I’m not sure if the hyungs are really telling me something or joking with me.” Now, he just smiles and passes by the situation. Has he already been tainted because of the hyungs?ㅠㅠ
Himchan: Now, I’ll pass the microphone over to the magnae line! Talk all you want freely of what you’ve always wanted to say to the hyungs!
Jongup: Can we really say anything? Then first off, I’ll ask a question…heuheu…Himchan-ssi! What was the reason behind you always touching me and Zelo’s butt during our trainee days when we were on break from our choreography lessons?
Himchan: Huhk! Do I have to answer  that? ㅋㅋㅋ Jongup’s butt is really pretty. His hip line is defined and I was fascinated, so I touched it. To me, it was a really interesting figure. I was also jealous you can say.
Jongup: At the time when you touched our butts, we expressed our dislike but was it to the point where you continuously wanted to touch it still? Was it that fascinating?
Himchan: Yeah! Now that I think about it, I did touch it for a long timeㅋㅋ Junhong’s butt felt like a baby’s butt. Hrm? This feels weird the more I talk about itㅋㅋ Because you’ve all started working out, I don’t like it anymore. As you age, your butts changedㅋㅋ And why am I the only one who slapped them? Yongguk joked around slapping them too! 
Jongup: Yongguk hyung did slap them but it had a dad feel to it, but your feel was different, hyung ㅠㅠ
Zelo: I’ll ask Yongguk hyung! I told you not to do it in front of people, but why did you still touch my butt as if your hand grazed past it? 
Yongguk: Hrm…I don’t do it to just Zelo, but to everyone besides Himchan. I think you’re just sensitive about he subject. 
Himchan: Is it because my butt isn’t pretty?
Zelo: I get embarrassed if other people from outside sees ㅠㅠ
Yongguk: In Junhong’s case, I think he’s just aware of other people’s watch.
Zelo: Inside the dorm, I take the butt touching as a form of being taken care of since I’m the magnae, but I don’t think that it’s the same reason being the magnae when we’re outside. I personally am not a true man, but I don’t like it a lot because we have an image as a group. I hope you can refrain from touching outside!
Yongguk: Hrm…okay, Zelo. I’ll take your words into consideration ㅋㅋㅋ
Zelo: This time, I have a question for Himchan hyung! Why do you toss your underwear anywhere when you’re showering?
Himchan: Don’t you do it too? Now that I see it, I remember you picking one person’s clothing up and asking, “Is this yours, hyung?” as you went to each and every member. But think carefully! You also leave your underwear and your pants everywhere when you go shower! I took a photo and sent it to the membersㅋㅋㅋㅋ Our Zelo is cute because he’s supposed to act perfect in order to nag at us, but he makes mistakes first^^
Youngjae: Now that I look at it, Zelo is the tidiest member out of all of us. Our magnae focuses the most on cleaning up the dorm!@_@
Jongup: You can just see it as Zelo being the only member who cleans? Before, the members used to clean but now I think Zelo’s the only one who consistently cleans. 
Zelo: I also have something to say! When we go to schedules in the car, the magnaes sit in the back, but it’s uncomfortable for me because I’m too tallㅠㅠ Now the cushion of the car seat is engrained with my butt print…since we sit for such long times, my butt gets bruised since the seat cushion is hard!
Himchan: Since I’m not promoting right now, isn’t there an extra space? I asked Jongup and he said you sit right there?ㅋㅋ
Jongup: He said he wanted to switch so I switched for him and he said the middle is comfortable?
Youngjae: I sat with Daehyun where Zelo sat and it is really uncomfortable. It was a little tear-jerking thinking about it.
Zelo: Yongguk hyung! Give me a chance to sit in the front too sometimes!!
Yongguk: I get car sick…I get car sick instantly when the car shakes;;
Zelo: Then can you practice getting rid of your nauseousness?
Jongup: Continuing on, I have something I’m curious about Yongguk hyung! Aside from your monthly donation to UNICEF, why do you continuously donate?
Yongguk: The monthly donation is to give to kids living abroad money to spend for emergency purposes but the money you’re talking about is donated when I have leftover expenses from what I spend that I give to children living in Korea to support them as a whole. As you know, I don’t really spend money on food. I find my leisure in money there and donate it. 
Himchan: Hrm…since Yongguk actively participates in UNICEF, I was really surprised to see the fans support it. I was proud to see fans support UNICEF themselves.
Daehyun: Seeing Yongguk hyung do that, the fans have been notifying us through SNS about their donations of rice, briquettes, etc. This makes me a lot more happy than fans sending us gifts.
Yongguk: I have a dream of building a school under the name of B.A.P. When all 6 of us are financially stable, I hope to do good deeds altogether.
Zelo: In our age, we don’t really think about those things but thanks to Yongguk hyung, we’ve learned the values of giving. 
Yongguk: Now, our stories will end here! How was it? Fans! Did you have fun reading? I think we were able to say things we never did before through this opportunity we had with Star Columb and it’s a different feeling. Shall I say that I feel closer to the members?^^ I hope that we can continue to always be an awesome group!! Ah! Wait! Jongup said he has something to say for the ending!
Jongup: We’ve lived in a dorm together for 2 years already. I feel like living together has become a definite thing, which is why we have our moments where we fight more but I believe that even through these petty fights, we grow closer. We live together now because it’s something definite and we may not know the importance of it, but I believe that we’ll become family when we grow a little older, and I don’t doubt this. Fans! Be careful of the weather chance and we hope to see you once again in an awesome image^^

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