
130330 - B.A.P's Fansigning in Daejeon

[TRANS] 130330 - B.A.P's Fansigning in Daejeon
  • A fan wrote “Yongguk-ah~ Noona has a car~ Do you want to go for a drive? >w< ♥” and Yongguk replied with “Yes ^^”
  • A fan asked Yongguk to create a name for a lodge that she was building and asked if he would come over after it was done being built. Yongguk said, “Really? We’ll all go visit together!!” and wrote “밥 (bap/rice)” for its name.
  • A fan gave Daehyun her giant ring and after trying it on, Daehyun said it was too heavy so he would take it off only during the fansigning, but make sure to wear it later.
  •  A fan asked Jongup to listen to the fan song that her friend made for him in the fancafe and he smiled largely before saying “I’ll make sure to listen to it today!!”
  • A fan had the six Matokis drawn on her fingernails and Zelo and Himchan were staring at them and saying, “Wow, wow it’s fascinating!!!”
  • A fan sang the happy birthday song really quickly to Yongguk, and he clapped to it and thanked her.
  • A fan rapped to Zelo’s LTE rap from ‘Warrior’ and he started laughing really loudly before apologizing for laughing (but he was still laughing while apologizing).
  • A fan asked Yongguk what song he wants to sing for her and he said, “Ordinary People”.
  • A fan asked Youngjae to choose between older women or younger women and he picked both. Also, she asked him what he thought about her and he replied, “You’re totally cute ㅋ” (T/N: she’s in her 2nd year of middle school, don’t think much of it)
  • A fan asked Jongup what crackers he likes to eat and he said everything.
  • A fan asked Zelo what his ideal height for a girl is and he said “153??” He asked her beforehand what her height was, and she said 153 cm, which caused him to write 153 cm.
  • A fan was waving to B.A.P as they were leaving, and while the other members were looking down while walking, HImchan gave her a high five.
trans. cr; akdongs @ tumblr | source cr; b.a.p’s fancafe ; take out with full credits


Reasons why you should love Yoo Youngjae (Smutty vr.)

Reasons why you should love Yoo Youngjae (Smutty vr.)

  • His sassiness x x
  • His fucking eye twitch x x x x x x x x x x x x x
  • When he’s with Daehyun /pukes blood/ x x x x x x x x
  • His fierce side x x x x x
  • Water fucking bottle x x x there’s like over 9k photos of him sucking that god damn water bottle I’m not even gonna try finding them all
  • The things he does with his motherfuckin’ mouth x x x x x x x x x x
  • His messy sex hair x x x x x x
  • Charismatic Youngjae x x x x x x x x
  • When he’s calm and in deep thoughts x x x x
  • Could possibly be the hottest kisser in B.A.P x x
  • When he talks x x x
  • cHEST x x x x x
  • His smirk x x x x x x x x x x
  • Hip.. thrusts.. x x
  • When he breathes x x x 
  • His naked shoulder x x
  • Stop x x x x
  • His stares x x x
  • His body x x
  • BANGBANGBANG x x x x
  • His arms x x x x
  • God damn it x
  • His flawless profile x x x
  • When he gets emotional x x x
  • Nice ass x x x x
  • When he sings x x x
  • His amazing acting skills x x x
  • His don’t-mess-with-me-or-I’ll-kill-you sass x x
  • When he wears contacts FML x x x x x
  • Oh my god x x x
  • His cut lips with Daehyun x
  • His body wave x x
  • Vibrator Youngjae x
  • When gets wet x
  • Pocky ʘ‿ʘ x
Don’t you just want to ruin him ʘ‿ʘ


[TRANS] Q&A with Youngjae in Star1 Magazine April 2013 Issue

[TRANS] Q&A with Youngjae in Star1 Magazine April 2013 Issue
Thoughts about turning 20
Something I have to do since I turned 20
What type of adult do I want to be, the me whom I dream to be 20 years later?

Although I still cannot believe the fact that I have already turned 20, I can feel the sense of responsibility from the change of the “1” to “2” in the first digit of my age. A year has passed since B.A.P started. The moment when I started (T/N: debuted) through B.A.P was the biggest turning point in my life. Everyday felt like a new beginning throughout the year living as a member of B.A.P.
This year, I would like to let more people know about the group called B.A.P. And, if I have the time, I would like to go on a vacation freely. It would be nice even if it is a vacation where I sling a backpack over my shoulder.
I always want to be an adult who is comfortable like a friend. Truthfully, although it is not easy to approach others comfortably in the place called society due to competition and interests, I thought that I can be a friend who others can feel fully comfortable with as long as I change my thoughts slightly. Of course, I have the thoughts of working towards to be that type of person. And, after 20 years, maybe I will be a father of a happy family?

Source: Star1 Magazine April 2013 Issue
Translation: @ProtectBAPSG | www.protectbap7.tumblr.com
Please take out with proper credits. Thank you!


[TRANS] 130324 - B.A.P's Melon Fansigning

[TRANS] 130324 - B.A.P's Melon Fansigning
  • A fan asked Jongup what Pokemon she looks like and he said Squirtle.
  • A fan asked Daehyun to choose only one of the four options (I want to hit you, I want to hold your hand, I want to show you aegyo, I want to pet you on the head), and he picked that he wanted to pet her on the head.
  • A fan asked Yongguk to choose up to 4 options if he wants to from (I want to punch you away, I want to hug you ♥, I want to show you aegyo, I want to throw you a hand kiss, and I want to pet you on the head) and he picked petting her, so she asked him to pet her on the head, but they told her to move onward.
  • A fan gave Himchan a ring and he put it on his ring finger right away.
  • A fan saw Himchan holding two drinks, so she asked why he was drinking everything, and he said it was so that he could gain weight. She told Zelo to drink too, and Himchan said that he gave one to Zelo, but he rejected it. Then Himchan said he doesn’t like Zelo.
  • A fan asked Himchan to sing some of ‘One Shot’, and he only sang the ‘one shot!’ part. She also asked him to sing some of ‘Rain Sound’, but he said he’ll think about it. Then the TV in the back played Himchan’s part, so he was lip-syncing and doing hand motions to it.
  • A fan forgot to give Zelo her letter, so she asked one of the fan staff members to pass it on to him, but the staff member told her that she can directly pass it to him.
  • A fan and her friend asked Jongup to do 꽃받침 (T/N: when you cup your face with your hands shaped like a V), and he was contemplating it before shyly doing it.
  • A fan told Himchan that her friend said if she brings boiled eggs to the fansigning, cracks it on B.A.P’s heads, and eats it, that they’ll remember it. Then Himchan said to crack raw eggs on that friend’s head.
  • A fan was given the opportunity to take a picture with B.A.P and she was originally standing next to Youngjae, but after seeing that she was a Himchan fan from her banner, Youngjae asked her if she likes Himchan and then changed spots so that she could stand next to him.
  • A fan asked where Himchan’s stamp went, and he said, “Why isn’t it here? But I’ll do anything else you want me to.” So she asked him to do gwiyomi player, but he said he’ll think about it. After she passed, he did it on Zelo’s head, and then when she called out for him, he smiled and did the 2+2 gwiyomi to her.
  • A fan asked Yongguk if he has a fansite that he visits often, and he said “Our official fancafe…”
  • A fan asked Youngjae on a post-it, “Oppa, what do you think of me today?” and he only wrote “You’re cute”, so she asked him to write more and he added, “Re~~~ally” to it.
  • Another fan asked Jongup what she looks like, so he wrote Squirtle.
  • A fan asked Jongup what the ‘ㅍ’ in his tweets means, and he said it’s for ‘풉’ which is a sound of laughter.
  • A fan asked if Himchan wasn’t able to write his signature, but he said that he’ll draw whatever he can with his left hand. After drawing a heart, he turned to his manager and said, “Ah ㅜㅜ I can’t do this ㅜㅜ” And then didn’t do it again afterwards. (T/N: picture of the heart)
  • As the final greeting, Himchan said that they were going to go eat, and Youngjae was handing out water bottles to the fans before leaving.
  • A fan gave Daehyun a walnut pie that she made, and he promised to eat it later. On the post-it note, she asked Daehyun what his first impression of her was and it said, “Walnut pie?”
  • A fan pulled out a mirror and faced it towards Himchan before asking, “This person is good-looking, right?” He then said yes and started fixing his hair.
  • Jongup was wearing a scarf that a fan gave to him.
  • A fan told Youngjae that he could sign on whichever page he wanted to, so he picked the one where he was laying down on railroad tracks, and said that one came out the best.
  • A fan asked Zelo why he doesn’t do the move where he bounces off his back, and he said it’s difficult to do during live stages.
  • A fan asked Youngjae to give her a suitable nickname, so he stared at her for a bit before writing “Bunny”.
  • A fan asked what Pokemon Jongup thinks of when he sees her, so he wrote Jigglypuff.
trans. cr ; akdongs @ tumblr | source cr; b.a.p’s fancafe ; take out with full credits

[TRANS] April 2013 - Hallyu Pier - Yongguk & Zelo

[TRANS] April 2013 - Hallyu Pier - Yongguk & Zelo
Z: Zelo B: Bang Yong Guk
The day we’ve all been waiting for in May is confirmed! Finally, the day we get to meet B.A.P in real life is coming. From featuring in the issue from last May, to our 12th issue in next May’s edition for their concert, this month’s issue will feature B.A.P’s maknae Zelo and leader Yongguk.
Holding a concert after visiting for the first time in Japan, BANG&ZELO’s live talk starts now!
Z : Yongguk hyung, it’s finally our turn for the interview.
B : Are fans used to seeing us together as BANG&ZELO since we’ve promoted as a unit even before our debut?
Z : Yeah, and B.A.P released our new song “ONE SHOT” in February too.
B : We produced this song with the hope of carrying its message across to the audience. We are allowed many opportunities and chances in our lives, but we also tend to miss most of them – whether because of personal reasons or reasons out of our control… That’s why to these people, chances are not something they can acquire easily, and instead, it is something that is only able to be obtained with passion. That is the message we wanted to carry across in the song.
Z : As oppose to our previous track “STOP IT” with the cute concept, we’re back to the masculine and manly style in this song.
B : For the soundtrack, the element of HIPHOP is even stronger than before. Even though “WARRIOR” and “POWER” are both charismatic and manly songs, this one is evidently different. Our music style is like that – we gradually change bit by bit. But we also focused on changing our image this time too. I feel slightly regretful that the change in our image is receiving much more compliments and notice than the change in our music style.
Z : B.A.P has been able to challenge many different things in terms of producing music.
B : We even tried the cute style, the dancing old school style, rocker, masculine etc… We’ve tried many different concepts, but in the process of producing music, a really important aspect is being able to attract the general audience.
Z : B.A.P has been producing music that is unique to us. Being able to hold a concert in Japan is proof that we have been receiving many positive feedbacks and comments from the public.
B : Yes, compared to our own opinions on our own music, I believe that the audience’s view and feedbacks are more important. I think that aside from improving in our music in “ONE SHOT”, we also tried to improve in performing the song. Zelo’s rapping parts along with his dancing is amazing.
Z : The part where my back faced the camera? I thought of it all by myself. Because this time we had the most time before our comeback, I took the time to think of a way to make myself stand out more on stage. Also, since my rapping style is different to Yongguk hyung’s, I thought I should make our parts contrast with each other more; therefore I came up with the part.
B : Our MV also got upgraded! We went to the Philippines to film it. Zelo met some girls there!
Z : Ah~ Even though we filmed on a cruise, there were a lot of noonas in bikinis (laughs). A noona who was from Brazil asked me where I was from, but since I’ve never been in situations like that before, I wasn’t able to continue the conversation. I was really shy and quite confused.
B : Everyone expressed their envy after watching our MV! However I don’t want to film in that environment again (laughs). Even though it looks like we were all relaxed, filming was actually very awkward – especially with the language barrier between us, there was a lot of pressure filming with the models. Because we have always worked in an environment with just males, we were all shy and acted really unnatural… our faces were all red. (laughs)
Z : Yeah, we went to film our MV in the Philippines, but we’re finally going to hold a concert in Japan!
B : We’re going to be working with a rock band this time, I’m really happy for us to be able to have this opportunity – to able to include some Rock elements into our music and choreography. How did you feel about our first concerts in Seoul, Zelo?
Z : It has always been a dream of mine to perform in our very own concert… but since we’ve been so busy since our debut, I haven’t really had time to feel surprised or shocked. Even so, as the concert date approached, I still got really excited and when I finally stood on stage, I was thrilled.
B : As opposed to singing to a camera in music shows, I love it when we are able to hold a concert with our fans. I feel like I’m cured from everything after holding the concerts. Zelo, is there anything that left a deep impression?
Z : Everything! It was really fun being able to perform on stage.
B : I think that the members reading out their letters were the most memorable parts of the concert! But I’ll stop here before we go further into this topic… (laughs)
Z : I wrote my letter to my parents… But, um, I cried (embarrassed). I was never a child who could do aegyo easily to his parents… I even felt a little annoyed when my parents said they would attend the concerts. But after living away from home, I’ve missed them. So I tried to write them a letter that I could read out to them seriously on stage. Yongguk hyung chose to flash his abs instead.
B : That’s because it was a promise we had to keep – if we win a rookie award, someone would have to show our fans their body (laughs). Even though it was my first public performance of my new self-composed song, people focused more on my abs instead… what a pity.
Z : Hyung trained really hard for that day!
B : I think abs look better when you have zero body fat, so rather than training, I think dieting is a better way to describe it.
Z : Hehehe, you were very handsome!
B : Even though our members all tried our best to prepare for the concerts, I believe the staff and crew who helped us complete this worked the hardest. From stage designing, background effects and lighting… it was because of all the hard work from the staff that we were able to provide such a perfect stage. It is not enough if only we put in effort, it is only with the amount of time and energy the staff and crew spent that we were able to produce such amazing concerts.
Z : To our Japanese Babyz who have been supporting us, we are finally able to meet in Japan!
B: We’re going to hold our first Japanese concert soon. We’ve always wanted to go to Japan, and our wish is finally going to be fulfilled. See you all in Yokohama!
Japanese to Chinese translation : Alli_Lam on weibo
Chinese to English translation : taecaway
Please credit when taking out!
The below rule applies to fanbases!
Do not bring onto twitter. If you do, please link to this post. Thank you.


BAP Fansign fan account (23 March 2013)

BAP Fansign fan account (23 March 2013)
(BAP fansign 23 march 2013. Fan account)
I luckily got chosen after buying 10 albums because they put your name in a box and pick 150 people at random, anyways..
So I arrived there at around 5.30pm and I stood in a line to collect my number and I was number 48.
Then they let us go inside the hall at 6pm and I waited for an hour and then the staff told us that BAP are running late because of traffic (and coming from Music Core to the fansign place is pretty far).
At around 7.10pm someone picked out from the curtain and it was Jongup! Jongup and Yongguk took turns in walking out then walking back in to tease the fans ; ;
Then the fansign began with Babyz taking photos and Youngjae was like “Are you all reporters? Is this a press conference?” sobs that cutie OTL
I waited for my turn and I was so nervous that by the time it was my turn, I had no idea what to talk to them about. It just disappeared out of my mind.
Yongguk: Hello~
Me: Hello ; ;
Yongguk: -signs then looks up- Juyoung?
Me: -nods- ; ;
Yongguk: -continues to sign- Here you go Juyoung~
Me: -hands him a sticky note that says “I’ve lived in Africa, Malawi my whole life, would you like to visit once? 1: Yes  2: No”-
Yongguk: -Reads then eyes widens- Really??? Africa??
Me: Yes!
Yongguk: -ticks number 1- Where’s Malawi?
Me: Somewhere above South Africa!
Yongguk: Awesome~
Staff: Next
Yongguk+Me: -bows and says bye-
Daehyun: Hello~~
Me: Hello!
Daehyun: -signs- Juyoung? Juyoung? Juyoung?
Me: Mhmm ; A ;
Daehyun: Here you go!
Me: -gives him sticky note saying “Draw Youngjae!”-
Daehyun: -looks at Youngjae then looks at me- Youngjae?
Me: -smiles and nods-
Daehyun: -starts drawing and mumbles to himself- Youngjae… squishy Youngjae…
Youngjae: Huh?
Daehyun: -turns to Youngjae- You’re squishy so I’m drawing you squishy! -turns to me- Here you go~
Me: Thank you!! 
Daehyun+Me: -bows and says bye-
Youngjae: Hello Juyoung~
Me: Hello ; ;
Youngjae -starts signing then looks up at me- How old are you?
Me: The same age as you!
Youngjae: Really? College student? Are we friends?
Me: Yes yes and yes! ; A ; -hands him a sticky note saying global BAP blah blah, please write my friend’s name with a heart-
Youngjae: -looks at the global BAP part and nods approvingly- Thought so =w= -starts writing friend’s name proudly- Here you go~
Me: Thank you ; ; 
Youngjae+Me: -bows and says bye-
Jongup: -bows and smiles- 
Me: Hello~
Jongup: -silently starts signing- Here you go~
Me: -hands him a sticky note asking to guess what pokemon I like-
Jongup: -thinks, looks at me, thinks then writes “Togepi” (is that spelling right? Orz)-
Me: o A o 
Jongup: o u o
Me: -smiles and says bye-
Jongup: -does the same-
Zelo: -waves- ^^
Me: Hi ; w ; 
Zelo: -starts signing then looks up- How old are you?
Me: Try guessing!
Zelo: Um……… -looks at me with huge round eyes- I’m not sure, please tell me~
Me: 20 (Because Korean age)~
Zelo: -eyes widen- Really? You look a lot younger than your age! -quickly puts noona at the end of my name- Here you go Juyoung noona~
Me: Ah, thank you! -smiles and hands him post it similar to Youngjae’s-
Zelo: -writes friend’s name-
Me: Thank you! -says bye-
Zelo: -does the same-
Himchan: o 3 o
Me: hello!
Himchan: -looks at the sticky note saying something like get better, promise me you’ll come back as BAP soon, if you promise, please do aegyo-
Me: o - o
Himchan: -blinks then quickly stamps his sign (because he cant use his arm) then looks up at me- Aegyo? Should I show you aegyo?
Me: -nods- o u o
Himchan: >u< (<- seriously, it really did look like this skhbf)
Me: ; A ;
Staff: You should show him aegyo as well Juyoung-shi~
Me: I can’t do aegyo ; ;
Himchan: -looks at me- o - o
Me: … -does bunny aegyo before running off then coming back on to ask the staff to hand the presents to BAP because I forgot to give it to them and she said she will ; w ; )
And so time passed by with BAP doing aegyo (mostly Himchan XD) and in between Babyz were like “JUNG DAEHYUN!!!” and Daehyun was like “WHAAAAATT!!” it was so cute ; w ;
At the end, everyone kept shouting out the members name.
Youngjae: Everyone who talked informally to me stand up now! And also, did you all come to take pictures of get our signs?
Babyz: BOTH!!
Daehyun: No, he’s just joking, don’t stand up lololol. And it seems like today’s fansign was pretty quiet. I hope you all took nice photos! I’ll be checking up on them!
Youngjae: Have you all heard our album?
BAP: -laughs because Youngjae, what kind of a question is that sobs-
Youngjae: Which song do you like the best?
Youngjae: I see ^^
Daehyun: Thank you for coming to our fansign this late at night!
Youngjae: It’s 9.30pm, hurry up and go home!
Zelo: The press conference has ended~
Everyone: -laughs-
Youngjae: We shall end today’s BAP’s fansign, thank you~
Yongguk: We’re B
BAP: A, P YES SIR.Thank you!!!
And that’s it ; w ;  sorry for the long post OTL

Im ready~

My body is ready

“The member that I wanna take care most is..."

“The member that I wanna take care most is Zelo. he’s the youngest and sometimes, he can’t voice out some stuff. it’s hard to debut young.” - Youngjae

One of Dae’s favorite hoodies is coming out to play on the way to a recording.

One of Dae’s favorite hoodies is coming out to play on the way to a recording.
☆ Hoodie

☆ Daehyun photo: Addiction
☆ Submitted by: matokihme