


We’re finally at our last issue! Thank you so much for taking care of us, we are eternally grateful.

Y – Yongguk Z – Zelo

Y: Since this is the last issue, we should put in our all.

Z: Yes!

Y: Zelo do you still remember when we first met?

Z: Of course I do, Yongguk hyung you were with Himchan hyung having a serious conversation in the dance studio, the atmosphere was eerie. (laughs) But no matter what I still had to greet you, and when I did, the only respond I got was “Ah” (laughs) I will never forget about that.

Y: Ah~~ Yes, when B.A.P was formed, all the other people who worked with us previously left not too long after, so we were wondering when Zelo will leave too. (laughs)

Z: To be honest at first I found hyung really frightening and intimidating (laughs) But back then, I still thought that he really was born to be a leader.

Y: Zelo was really young when he joined B.A.P, so I was especially worried about him. After all we do have quite a large age difference, however because he was able to clearly separate his personal and work related matters, and that he had a good sense of judgement, I was a lot more assured. But then again, it’s all because of my careful upbringing!

Z: Yes~ (laughs) I learned a lot from Yongguk hyung. I learned how to interact with others, and I found that rather than learning from books and theories, it is more rewarding to do things hands on and interact with my hyungs to learn more about them. Yongguk hyung sometimes do really crazy things even though he seems like such a calm and collected person. For example, he will just barge out of his room, open the fridge door and mutter something incoherent at us before going back to his room again… which made us all laugh.

Y: Ah~~ these things shouldn’t be brought up (embarrassed) If I was the same age as Zelo, I reckon we would become really close friends.

Z: Rather than being friends, I think it’s more suitable for us to become opponents. Just like now, our relationship will be one where we both try our hardest to reach our goals and in the process, we will be able to help each other grow and improve.

Y: Really~ Zelo, if you had a noona you would introduce her to me right?

Z: Of course~ Even though hyung gives off a cold impression, he is actually really gentle to ladies and he’s also really manly.

Y: Hehehe (shy) These interviews so far have been talking about working along with different partners, but I reckon Jongup wins the title of “not being able to work well with a partner”.

Z: Jongup hyung’s mind is really difficult to grasp. (laughs) Even though we spend so much time with him there are still multiple occasions where none of us understand him. He looks older than his age, it’s confusing.

Y: I really like how Jongup is like that though. People should be showing others their natural selves. He is really exactly the same in real life as he is presented on TV. He doesn’t care about his appearance and has a really pure and innocent heart. He is the one member whom I still haven’t been able to fully understand.

Z: I think I’m the one who knows him best though!

Y: Well that concludes our last interview.

Z: Hallyu Pier is the first Japanese Magazine that we were interviewed for, and I still find it a little hard to believe that we have been able to appear on so many issues! The filming and the interviewing had all been really fun!

Y: I hope that through these interviews, our fans are able to understand us more. Idols are not only celebrities, but they are also role models that children look up to. B.A.P will see that as our goal and we will try our best to fulfill that.

Z: I agree~ And we hope that everyone will be able to shine in their areas of expertise at least one in their lifetimes.

Y: Thank you for everyone who supported us in the past year. We are really grateful and really happy that we are gaining more and more fans. I would like to thank you all once again. It’s a shame that this is finally coming to an end, we look forward to working with Hallyu Pier again in the future, please anticipate!

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  • Japanese to Chinese translation : CHARGING_ZELO中文网
  • Chinese to English translation : taecaway
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