
[TRANS] B.A.P in June “Cureasuta” Japanese Magazine

[TRANS] B.A.P in June “Cureasuta” Japanese Magazine

At long last on their way to Japan!
B.A.P debuted in Korea in January of last year. Their performance overflows with charisma, as they drive forward heating up the Korean music world, they are the ones to watch. With their first solo concert in Korea of February this year, at long last they’re on their way to Japan! Overflowing with the feeling that “We want to meet our Japanese BABYz soon!” we interview B.A.P before their arrival in Japan.

Q: B.A.P is a group that has claimed 13 rookie awards domestically, and also has the eyes of the world watching, but you haven’t been able to take a rest with all the running around you’ve been doing since your debut. Looking back now, what memories have you made?
Yongguk: I can never forget “B.A.P Live on Earth Seoul.” To make the best show possible, we really co-operated a lot, people who came just to see music, sang and joined their voices to become one, I was really happy. From now on, I want to continue greeting fans though our concerts.
Himchan: The thing that stands out in my memory the most, and was a happy experience, was “1st BABY Day.” It was our original fanclub, so preparations were fun. While we were preparing all the members were practicing together, I remember how exciting it was. There were times we were busy promoting albums, but we forgot how tired we were and did our best, and we had fun.
Daehyun: For me, it’s the first Showcase. We debuted under the name B.A.P, it was the first time being together with the members on stage, even now it’s fresh in my mind. We were usually just in the rehearsal space, so as we were in front of a lot of people showing ourselves for the first time, we were really nervous, but seeing all the fans who filled the venue, I remember my goosebumps.
Young Jae: For me, it’s the reality show with the members before our debut that was very fun for me, also “B.A.P Live on Earth Seoul” made memories for me that are impossible to forget. Usually we were the image we showed on camera, but getting the chance to be in front of fans and showing them something completely different made me very happy.
Jong Up: It’s the time we won the Rookie Award, for me. When we first debuted, our goal was to win the Rookie Award, so when our goal was realized I was so happy. I can’t really believe it even now.
Zelo: For me it’s also when we won the Rookie Award, I don’t think I’ll forget it. At the time we won, I was surprised and my heart was so full I couldn’t speak and could only cry, but I was so happy.

Q: This year you’ve released “Rain sound” and “One Shot,” what was the concept for this mini-album?
YG: “One Shot” was our second mini album, and is the album with the most B.A.P “Color” in it. Especially with the title song “One Shot,” young people are facing chances that come to them, they become able to grasp an opportunity and chase it with all their strength, it’s a song where the meaning and the hip hop come together with passion and heat. The more you listen to it the more you hear, it’s a really appealing track.
Q: I want to ask a question about “Rain Sound,” What do you think on rainy days?
DH: I of course think of our song “Rain Sound.” Lately I really will just look at the rain and start humming “Rain Sound,” that’s how much I’m into it right now.
HC: I remember a day before we debuted where it rained very hard. There was a landslide, so there was mud everywhere, and we did our best to clean up in front of where we were staying. It was really tough, but thinking about it now is fun.
Q: You went all the way to the Philippines to shoot for the music video “One Shot,” please tell us some stories about what it was like there.
Jong Up: When we went to the Philippines, we weren’t feeling very brave. Around that time, there was a serious incident with a Korean, so we didn’t leave the hotel at night. Even when we did leave the hotel, security was on us right away and we let them guard us. It was our first time in the Philippines, so we really did want to have a look around, but aside from filming we didn’t really get to have any fun, so it was pretty disappointing. We’d like to go back again soon.
Q: Your style for “One Shot” was black clothing, what styles do you normally like? Are there any items you are fond of right now?
HC: I’m interested in coats right now, on cold days I often wear a jacket. I also like shoes and belts.
DH: For me I usually like to wear knitted or leather jackets, I also like glasses and watches.
Z: There’s a lot of clothes I like, but I’m interested in hats, belts, and small accessories. I like shoes and jackets, so I like to search for things that go well together for a cute look.
Q: On the 23rd and 24th of February you had your first solo concert in Korea. How was it?
YJ: It really is an honour to have been able to have a solo concert this quickly in our career, everything was like a dream. As Daehyun said at the concert, we wanted to had a hand in everything, from the project planning to the concert itself, we worked tirelessly and cooperated to create the best stage. It was a concert with no regrets.
Q: When Bang Yongguk is on variety shows, you seem uncharistarically shy since you show so much charisma on stage. It’s that “gap”* that makes women swoon, but do you make some switch as you climb onto the stage?
YG: That is really the power of music and the stage, I think. If I just stand on the stage, the “me” I hide inside shows itself completely, I’ve never really been surprised even once about this happening. It’s an honor to hear that this is something girls like! haha.
Q: Himchan is from a national music school, but how does that play out? For “No Mercy,” Traditional Korean drums were your contribution. From now on, can we hear some hip-hop infused with these traditional music?
HC: I used the drums because it was something I’d seen at school. It was something I’m proud of and have lots of feeling about. From then on I’d been interested in traditional music. Personally, working on “No Mercy,” it’s very special to me and my heart overflowed making it. If I have another chance, I’d like to have fun making another song like that.
Q: Daehyun is nicknamed “Busan Boy”, Do you think you are a Busan Boy? There’s the image that those men are very rough, but Daehyun doesn’t fit that image.
DH: When I first met the members, it seemed like I gave off that aura of the tough man from Busan. Usually I don’t really realize it, but sometimes I’ll get angry, get powerful, and I think I have qualities of Busan men then.

Q: This year Jong Up graduated from high school. Congratulations. I think it must be difficult to go to school with B.A.P’s promotions, how was high school?
JU: Just as you said, I was not able to properly attend school. Because of that, I didn’t feel that I was in school…I was going to school when B.A.P debuted, but my classmates had no idea who I was (laughs). In fact, when I entered school I was living the trainee and vocalist lifestyle as well as being a student, but I don’t have any memories of how fun school was. That’s really sad for me.
Q: Young Jae, you did a duet with Secret’s Sona, and there was none of B.A.P’s character (in that song). How was the duet?
YJ: It was not a song made with members of B.A.P, but made with my senior, so I was a bit nervous. However, Sona noona eased my nerves, she brought my qualities out. It was not B.A.P’s Young Jae but a different image than what I show on stage, and it was trying something completely different, I think.
Q: Zelo has the super fast “LTE Rap,” it really is surprisingly fast, when did you start rapping like that?
Z: From when I was a kid I wanted to be a singer, while I watched musicians performing in TV, I practiced by myself but I didn’t start seriously practicing until I became a trainee. When B.A.P debuted I was able to rap so quickly, but I think I can say it was the result of continued practice! Haha.

Q: Is there anything that is really popular with the members right now?
YJ: Lately all the members have been playing with “Konginori” (a game with a type of marble) a lot in our dressing room. We bet on things, and have fun playing in any free time we have. It’s more fun than you’d think.
Q: Speaking personally, do any of you have any news or info to share?
Z: I’m really into western hip-hop right now. Whenever where’re traveling, or when we’re waiting in our dressing room, I’m looking for and listening to music, and watching cool performances for ‘research.’ I’m so into it I don’t realize time going by.
D: Whenever I have the time, I’m actually practicing since I think I’m the worst out of us all. (?)
HC: For me it’s Japanese. Since I needed to recover after my injury, I’ve been studying since I was resting.
Q: If B.A.P were to collaborate with a Japanese artist, who would you choose? I heard that “Uta hiroba”-san from the popular Japanese air band likes Zelo.
Z: Really? Thank you “Uta hiroba”-san! I’m really honored. I’ll look for their music after this. For me, since I was a trainee I was listening to and dancing to Hikaru Utada and m-flo, so if we worked together I’d be really happy.
HC: For me, I’d be happy to collaborate with the group that sings “Marry Me,” the punk rock group ELLEGARDEN.
DH: If I could duet with her, I’d want to work with Namie Amuro together to stage.
Q: Tell us about your schedule today.
HC: First we have plans for promotions for our second mini-album “One Shot.” This year we will meet a lot of foreign fans so we are preparing to show our best. Please expect a lot from us.

Q: What are your aspirations for the year 2013?
YG: I want to work even harder making music, music and more interactions with fans.
HC: I got injured and couldn’t promote, so as soon as possible I want to recover and do my best promoting with the other members.
YJ: Last year we had the goal to win the Rookiw Award, so just as we kept moving and moving forward realizing our dreams, this year our goal is to perform overseas.
Q: What challenge do you want to do next?
JU: Our challenge is as always, “Conquer the World.” Like our “B.A.P Live On Earth” Tour, go to other countries, through our music make the name B.A.P name well known, that’s our challenge!
Q: Japan is the country where many K-pop acts visit, but I think there are Japanese fans who have really been waiting for B.A.P to visit.
YG: To the Japanese fans who have loved us, thank you so much. In May, we’ll be performing in Yokohama at the Pacifico National Convention Hall for our first solo concert “B.A.P Live on Earth Japan!” Because we will be able to meet our Japanese fans at last, we are really excited. Because we will be able to meet our Japanese fans, we’re really nervous and will have a lot of fun!
YJ: It’s the first time we will go to Japan to meet our fans there, so we are very excited and want to be as close as possible to the fans, and if we get the chance, to talk to them as well we will be really happy. I really want to meet the Japanese fans, I think you can understand my feelings.
DH: For the fans who are in Japan, we want to get a bit close to you, if we can have a special event for you it’d be fun. Also, all of us are checking each and everyone’s messages on the fan cafe and SNS! Thank you so much!
HC: For our first solo concert in Japan, we have plans for lots of preparations, please expect a lot from us!
JU: I’ll continue doing my best, and co-operate to show my best. Please keep watch over us.
Z: Thank you so much all Japanese fans. We love you. Let’s meet soon!

© www.bapyessirfansite.com (By Nicole) via: angel7bap

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