
L.A. Live on Earth Pacific fanaccount

L.A. Live on Earth Pacific fanaccount

This is a really long-ass fanaccount. You have been warned.

So me and Josh (bangingyongguk) got to the venue at around 5:15 after being stuck in traffic for an hour. And then we got lost trying to find the parking structure. THE PAPER SAID BLOCK W (I wish it was Block B LOL) BUT THERE WAS NO SIGN THAT SAID BLOCK W. I SWEAR.

Anyway, after 30 minutes of trying to find the place, we parked and headed to the venue. We met up with Laurin/Inc (fuckyeahimababy) and I met some girls that were in line in front of us. They took pictures of our signs xD

(As a side note, I wasn’t really planning on using these, but thank goodness I made them. The concert was so frikking hot and these worked as REALLY good fans xD)

I was supposed to meet up with Joanne (lunasea08) so I could give her a nametag, but I couldn’t get in contact with her.

Okay so I’ll cut to the good part because I’m sure that’s what people want to read about.

After going through security (metal detectors and everything!) Josh and I made our way to pit. Even though we were really late, we ended up like 15-20 feet away from the stage. Pit wasn’t filled up so there was a lot of empty room behind us.

Right before the concert started, I heard someone calling my name, which was odd because I wasn’t planning on having anyone know me xD Turns out it was Joanne and she recognized me from my fansign! I guess it served as a multi-functional piece tonight.

The concert opened with some cheesy English lines. Something about six boys coming to earth to find a new energy source. And something about where does pain come from and why do we cry ¯\(°_o)/¯

(I’ll probably mix up the order of things)


I thought they were going to open with Goodbye since they kept highlighting the words Pain and Cry but they actually opened with Warrior (makes sense LOL). They looked SO good in their white and gold outfits. I pretty much just watched Himchan because I haven’t seen him perform non-ballad songs for months and months. But they were all so amazing. Their vocals were perfect and their choreo was perfectly synced.

Babyz were pretty awesome too. We shouted the parts we were supposed to shout at even though the whistles were kinda everywhere at first xD IT’S OKAY GUYS. I KNEW WHEN TO BLOW MY WHISTLE.

They sang What the Hell followed up by No Mercy.

HOLY ALKSDJALKSDJALKSDJALDSKJASLDKJASDASD. No Mercy is my favorite B.A.P song/era still and seeing it live for the second time was still just as *insert more fangirl shrieking here.* ngl, I was very much looking forward to the crotch grabbing and hip thrusting. They did not disappoint *brb dies a little bit from the memory.*

Yongguk and Daehyun followed up with the acoustic version of I Remember. HOLY SHIZZNITS. When we were driving to the venue, I was telling Josh how I really want to hear them perform the acoustic version live. It’s one of my FAVORITE songs. I pretty much went bat-shit nuts when I heard the first chords to it. And then when I thought it was over (I was basing it off of the version from Live on Earth Seoul), they actually sang an extended version. I pretty much just melted then and there.

After I Remember, the four other members came out to sing Secret Love (another song I was hoping to hear, but I thought they wouldn’t because they didn’t have a featured female singer). Instead, I got an even better surprise. Himchan and Youngjae frigging sang Jieun’s parts. Whoever says Himchan can’t sing after that performance, I will punch you in the face. I love Secret Love with Jieun, but WOW. With just the B.A.P members singing it, it was just 10x more amazing.

Yongguk and Daehyun rejoined the members and they performed Rain Sound. I don’t even know what to say. I was so so so so happy that Himchan’s lines weren’t cut this time :DDD

There was this moment though when Zelo was playing with one of the chairs, and this backup dancer just came out and took the chair from him LOL.

The boys then introduced themselves with their Engrish. Good Lawdy Lawd. I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or praise them. Youngjae and Yongguk spoke the most English. Youngjae totally had to translate for his wife Daehyun. They were actually pretty good with their accents but you can tell that some of their dialogue was rehearsed xD

This one time Youngjae had to repeat himself because everyone was like “Huh?” I actually leaned forward to hear what he was saying.

AND YES. This was around the time that I was holding up my Himchan sign and I’m 100% sure he caught eye contact with me and stuck his tongue out. And yes. I was so smooth that I hid my face from…embarrassment? I don’t know what I was doing. I PANICKED.

Their profiles were all SO frikking cute. Yongguk’s actually said Gummy Smile on it xDD Daehyun kept encouraging us to chant each member’s name as they went up. But when he went up, nobody was there to start the cheer. So I started screaming “DAEHYUN DAEHYUN DAEHYUN” until everyone else caught on xD

Himchan showed us his psycho eyes (YES I WAS TOTALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT). Daehyun showed us his 7-high-note ability (ALDKAJDASD IT’S AMAZING LIVE). I was laughing how his profile said “outstanding looks.” Not that I don’t think he’s good looking. It was just really random.

I really wanted Youngjae to show us his lost belly fat but he didn’t :( Jongup showed us his dance skills while Yongguk beatboxed even though everyone obviously just really wanted him to rip his shirt off. IT’S OKAY. HE’S LEGAL NOW. I was also really amused how his profile said “Happy Virus.” Zelo showed us his beatboxing. But LOL. His height profile “6’03 and growing.” He was the only member who didn’t fit into the silhouette xD

The boys left to prepare for the second half (“We have a lot of songs to go!”).

Daehyun and Youngjae sang “I Believe I Can Fly.” I’m pretty sure I didn’t pay attention to any of the lyrics besides the chorus because of the effing love stares DaeJae were giving each other. Me and Josh were just like GET CLOSE TOGETHER. GET CLOSER!!!!

Jongup and Zelo followed up with Teach Me How to Dougie. I didn’t know where to look. JAILBAIT EVERYWHURR. THEY WERE SO CUTE THOUGH. They genuinely looked like they were having fun and Jongup’s damn open shirt with undone tie was giving me a nosebleed. I still wanted him to take his shirt off.

Jongup and Zelo went straight into their performance of Never Give Up. I was REALLY hoping they would perform this song too and it was a very nice surprise that it was the maknae line performing it. And wow. All their ninja flipping and acrobatics. No wonder Jongup’s so frikking ripped. He’s able to do a backflip with no hands. And then there’s Zelo and his frikking jailbait school uniform and b-boying T___T

Yongguk came on as a DJ and kept saying “You’re so sexy.” Somewhere in the 4th “You’re so Sexy” I just yelled out “YEAH YOU ARE.”

Yongguk and Himchan came out to perform Sexy Clap. Let me tell you, FAVORITE PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT (minus One Shot). I seriously thought I was going to die from feels. They both looked SO good but being a Himchan stan, I couldn’t stop watching Himchan. He was just oozing sexy everywhere. Is there a sexy pheromone? We were all jumping and shouting. It was pretty chaotic but SO much fun.

Then all of B.A.P performed My First Kiss. Honestly I don’t think I heard anything. Just yelling and jumping and all these crazy screams. AND YONGGUK NO. THAT HIP THRUST SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. NO WAIT. THERE SHOULD BE MORE. AND EFFING HIMCHAN. GOOD GOLLY YOU ARE AWKWARD WITH HIP THRUSTING BUT HOT DAMN. THAT WAS JUST *insert dying whale noises*

We were all on this high when B.A.P left to take a short changing break. We were all screaming B.A.P and then they decided to play a really sad clip talking about poverty. I could actually see the tension drop below zero.

They came back to the stage with One Shot. I’m pretty sure this is the moment where I lost my voice. I was screaming so hard for Himchan since this was his first One Shot performance live. I was pretty much drowning in a river of feels. I was a tad disappointed that they didn’t do the hipthrust thing because there wasn’t enough space for them to all lay down LOL. But really.


It finally felt complete. All six of them on stage. There were no more awkward gaps or a spot that you knew where Himchan was supposed to be. It was just so amazing. I wanted to cry. I’m getting lame here okay.

They performed Power. YES. WE SAW THEM DO THE BUTT SLAP. I was so satisfied because had a very clear view of Himchan’s butt ಠ‿ಠ They performed Punch and I was SO happy because I realllllly wanted to see Punch live. alsdjasldkjsdasdkjad SO GOOD.

B.A.P then said they were ending with Goodbye (another song I wanted to hear) and we were all confused since they hadn’t performed Crash or Hajima yet.

Of course they knew we would want an encore. After screaming for them to come back to the stage, B.A.P performed Coma. Following that was Hajima. Omg. They are SO cute. I love their cuter songs because they get to fool around and poke each other ;; Although I was looking forward to a flying Yongguk crotch and that didn’t happen.

The ending song (and very fitting) was Crash. Me and Josh were kind of just dancing like idiots in the back xD

People were throwing things onto the stage and B.A.P was throwing things into the crowd. Yongguk got bopped in the head with a stuffed animal and somebody hit Zelo with a cap. Zelo sort of looked up and had a wtf look on his face.

There was another girl that threw something at Daehyun. According to some other people, it was a pair of panties? But I didn’t see anything. I only saw a stuffed animal. Either way, Daehyun looked at her and shook his finger pretty sternly.

Yongguk threw water into the crowd twice and Youngjae threw a bottle and a towel. Zelo threw in two towels and Himchan threw in one.

This was definitely one of the best experiences of my life and MAN I still can’t wrap my head around it. Part of me is like “I just watched B.A.P in super high def.” There was a moment where Youngjae just killed me. HE DID THIS STUPID THING:

I knew Youngjae has a small face. But HE REALLY HAS A SMALL FACE. If I were to say one person that has gotten more charismatic since KCON, it’s definitely Jae. He sort of captures your attention when you’re not paying attention. I don’t know if that made any sense.


I’m pretty sure that every single member caught eye contact with me and Josh at least once during the concert. I may be delusional, but I’m pretty sure I caught eye contact with Daehyun at least 10 times. There was no one behind us so he couldn’t have been looking there. unless he like looking at the floor or something. I also caught eye contact with Youngjae several times, and Himchan and Zelo a few times. Yongguk was hard to tell because he kept wearing sunglasses LOL. But then again. I was standing next to Josh. A Hispanic male waving around a Yongguk sign with a bunny on it. Kids, if you want to attract attention, bring one of these along LOL.

B.A.P said their goodbyes. And said that they would never forget their first concert in America. The staff took a picture with B.A.P and the fans (pretty sure I did NOT show up because everyone in the front put up their signs). I didn’t put my sign up because I didn’t want to block anyone in floor seating. That didn’t work.

The boys then bowed with their backup dancers and Himchan kept taking pictures. I GUARANTEE I WILL BE IN ONE OF THEM. I SAW HIS CAMERA POINTED RIGHT AT ME AND THAT FANTASTIC SIGN OF MINE.

They closed the curtains and that was the end!

Afterwards, Josh and I hung out outside the venue to wait for Joanne and Laurin. I actually ran into on of my followers Anna (dongwool)! I was actually realllllly excited that somebody that I see on my dash recognized me :DDDDDDDD

Josh, Laurin, and I just hung out and talked about the concert until we met up with Joanne. We ended up going to eat soondubu and just chatting. While waiting to see which soondubu place we were going to, the three of us literally bummed it in the parking garage for like 20 minutes xD

All in all, I met REALLY great people and had an experience of a lifetime.

Anywhos this has been a very long fanaccount with many unnecessary details.

tl:dr *dying whale noise*

P.S. Josh and I made some “after the concert” videos in the car on the way home. That will be a different post LOL


#Live on Earth Pacific #fanaccount #personal #B.A.P #btw if you're the jealous type or whatever then just don't read this #If there are typos it's because I'm dead tired.

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